Hands 8 Trading ハンズエイトトレーディング | Privacy Policy
“Connect . Link” The concept behind Hands 8 is to make links and connections. We believe that comfort and style can come together in daily life to enrich minds. That is why we work with dedicated designers and craftsmen to bring inspired pieces that we are proud of to showcase to our clients.
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Privacy Policy

Hands 8 Trading PTE. LTD. (hereinafter, we) operates hands8.com (hereinafter, this website).

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information (hereinafter, this privacy policy) when you use our Service. We collect personal information in accordance with this privacy policy, use and shall be handled and pay close attention to management.

Definition of personal Information

Personal information is information that can identify you personally.

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • Country of residence

In addition, we handle as personal information including the information that can identify personally and can be easily collated with other information even if information alone cannot identify individuals.

While using our Service and this website, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information.

Use of personal information

Personal information collected from customers is used for the following purposes.

  • To improve our website / We continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you.
  • To improve customer service / Your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs.
  • To manage customer information / To manage the reference data such as customer’s service usage condition including the corresponding history.
  • To send various guidance / We send email or deliver in writing the company news, goods & services information including campaign information.

Provision of personal information to third parties

We may disclose your personal information to the following third parties.

  • Upon on the request for disclosure based on the Singapore laws and regulations.
  • In case of the difficulty to obtain yet the consent of the person in question on the matter for human life, the necessary of the protection of the body or property.
  • In the case of providing goods and services, information provision to legal or tax experts is necessary in order to properly deal with it in accordance with the laws and regulations of each country concerned.
  • In the case of where it is necessary for us to provide information to third parties that business partnership or outsourcing in order to provide products and services promptly and appropriately. (Example: sales agents, traders and carriers, event planning and management companies, design contractors, suppliers of goods, etc.)
  • In addition to the above, if you receive consent from the customer.

Acquisition and use of terminal information・Location information・browsing history etc.

We may collect information such as terminal information, location information, browsing history etc… from the browser upon browsing website. This website also uses Cookies. For more information on cookies, please check this page. We use these information to improve our service and website convenience, delivery of advertisement, data statistics.

Management of personal information

We will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures in order to prevent leakage of personal information collected from customers and tampering.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact below.

Click here for inquiry page.
Hands 8 Trading PTE. LTD.

hands8.com(以下、当ウェブサイト)は、Hands 8 Trading PTE. LTD.(以下、弊社)が運営管理しております。




・国籍 (居住国)





  • ウェブサイトの向上 / 当ウェブサイトの利便性の向上に役立てます。
  • カスタマーサービスの向上 / お客様からのお問い合わせ、ご要望に対し、的確な対応を図ります。
  • 顧客情報管理 / お客様の弊社サービスご利用状況、対応履歴をはじめとする参考資料の管理に用います。
  • 各種ご案内の送付 / 弊社の会社情報、商品およびサービス情報、ならびにキャンペーン情報等の各種ご案内を、Eメールまたは書面にてお届けします。



  • シンガポールの法令に基づく開示請求があった場合。
  • 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要な場合で、なおかつご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。
  • 商品やサービスの提供にあたり、それに関わる各国の法令に基づいた適正な対応を図るため、法務、または税務の専門家へ情報提供が必要な場合。
  • 迅速かつ適切に商品やサービスを提供するため、弊社が業務提携または業務委託する第三者への情報提供が必要な場合。(例:営業代理店、貿易および運搬に携わる業者、イベント企画・運営会社、設計施工業者、商品の仕入先など)
  • 上記のほか、お客様から承諾を得た場合。









Hands 8 Trading PTE. LTD.

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