Hands 8 Trading ハンズエイトトレーディング | Cookie Policy
“Connect . Link” The concept behind Hands 8 is to make links and connections. We believe that comfort and style can come together in daily life to enrich minds. That is why we work with dedicated designers and craftsmen to bring inspired pieces that we are proud of to showcase to our clients.
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Cookie Policy


This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible.


Cookies is information stored in your browser and it is used to facilitate browsing the website by recognizing you and helping to input contents by browsing history when you return to our website.

It is also used to collect information for us to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.

First-Party and Third-Party Cookies

We use both first-party and third-party cookies on our website.

First-party cookies are cookies issued from the hands8.com website domain that are generally used to identify language and location preferences or render basic site functionality.

Third-party cookies belong to and are managed by other parties, such as service providers we use to understand how users arrive on our website(s) and how they engage with us on the website. The data is used to improve the user experience. These cookies may be required to render certain forms, such as the submission of a contact form, or to allow for some advertising outside of the hands8.com website in the event we embed videos or links from other sources.

How are third party cookies used?

For some of the functions within our websites we use third party suppliers, for example, when you visit a page with videos embedded from or links to YouTube.

These videos or links (and any other content from third party suppliers) may contain third party cookies, and we encourage you to consult the privacy policies of these third party vendors on their websites for information regarding their use of cookies.

Cookie References

We use Google Analytics to understand how you interact with our website in order to improve the user experience. You may follow this link to opt out of Google Analytics: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout















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